Humble Beginnings
Christian Assembly traces its roots to a small home Bible study started by a group of Italian families in 1940. As new believers joined their ranks, the group rented a storeroom to house their meetings. Within a few years, they were able to rent a church building, and by 1949 they purchased a property on Christopher Street and named it God's Chapel. God's Chapel was dedicated on the final Sunday of 1950. Forced off their property by the new north-south freeway, the congregation rented meeting space in a local school. In June of 1961 they purchased property on Agler Road and a new building was erected and dedicated.
Years of Growth
Pastor Samuel Farina assumed the pastorate in March of 1966. The thriving congregation soon outgrew the new addition and they purchased a five acre track of land on Karl Road, our current property. In 1975, additional need for space presented itself and the congregation began to meet in a high school auditoriums. During this time construction began on the Karl Road property. Services resumed in the new building in July of 1979. Since that time, the congregation has added a Prayer Chapel, Ministry Center, Family Life Center and the purchase of the adjoining five acres to the south.

Generations of Pastoral Leadership
After serving 32 years as Associate Pastor, in December of 2007, Pastor Torry assumed the role of Lead Pastor. In July of 2021 his staff position changed to Pastor Emeritus, and Pastor Jeremy Gligora succeeded him as Lead Pastor.
A New Partnership
In 2022, The Lord orchestrated unique facility partnership opportunity with Tree of Life Christians Schools in which Tree of Life would build and open a middle school campus on the property as well as the entire property getting a renovation allowing both Christian Assembly and Tree of life to thrive do ministry at 4099 Karl Road for years and years to come.