Get Connected Through Community
We desire to see everyone in our church involved in a life group. Community is a crucial part of your growth and development as a Christian. We all need people to truly know us and walk beside us, and we are all called to make disciples and help others to grow in their faith. If you are serious about following Jesus and maturing in your faith, then do not wait another day to join a group.
Lives Impacted
Read first-hand how Christian Assembly Life Groups have impacted lives.
“I could hear something inside saying, “you have to get connected somewhere, April.” And I did need to get connected, because I was getting into depression and I wasn’t spending time with God anymore. The only time I spent with God was being angry and mad at him. I knew I couldn’t just go to church on Sunday and not connect with anyone throughout the week.
A little background on me is that I’m not from here. My family lives in Michigan and I moved to Columbus because a friend invited me to live here, but she ended up moving away. I met someone and had a child and now I am rooted here because of my child and grandson. Other than them, I am alone and spend a lot of lonely time. It’s hard for someone like me to not have any connections between church on Sunday. Without fellowship with people, I would die. You need people. I know from experience that you can’t survive alone. You need love. We are all searching for love and I believe that it is the main root in searching for God.
I was determined to pick a Life Group. I decided I would just choose a group even though I didn’t know anyone, because I was new to this church. A woman approached me and invited me to her Life Group and I started going. To this day I have never left that group. I have been through life battles with my family, and if it wasn’t for my Life Group constantly praying for me, I don’t know what would have happened to me. I was in a deep depression and it was so bad that I would google things like, how to kill myself and just go to sleep, and if I could still go to heaven. It got so bad for me that my Life Group would bring me food and regularly come to my home to check on me and pray for me. I was so depressed that I didn’t want them there, but they were persistent in knocking on my door and checking on me and I just knew that they loved me. I don’t understand why people are not in a Life Group. I would not have survived without my group. Remember, it’s what you put into it. If you are not transparent and open then you can’t receive the full benefit.”
Member of “Not Quite Human” Life Group