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Equipping Children

Our Mission

We provide a life-changing learning experience through the power of God’s Word and His Holy Spirit. Your children will receive authentic worship experiences that lead to growing intimacy with God. Our heart's desire is to train children for service, helping each child to find his/her place of ministry in the Body of Christ. We equip children to build relationships and to share Jesus with others through Christ-centered events.


What to Expect

We are so excited that you are considering visiting us for a Sunday service. Here is what to expect when you arrive with your children.

  • When you arrive to the main entrance, you will see the children’s check in area. There will be someone there to greet your family and welcome you.

  • If it is your first time visiting with us, we will briefly have you fill out some contact information for you children. We would like to be made aware of any potential allergies, medical concerns, or any other potential concerns you may have. We will also show you where the children’s area is. You children will be added into our check in system so that the next time your family comes, then check in process will be much simpler.

  • If you are a returning family, you will just need to provide your child’s first and last name to the individual at the children’s check in system and then name tags will be automatically printed off. There will be name tags for each of your child, as well as security tag for the person checking them in.


Root Cellar

Do you have preschool or elementary-aged children? Our Root Cellar Children’s Ministry has formed a group on Facebook to give parents easy access at home to the lessons kids would be learning at the Root Cellar on Sundays.

Join the CA Root Cellar group for weekly video messages, worship songs, learning materials, lesson guides from our teachers, and more!

Serving Children

About Our Team

  • We work as a team!

  • We have a detailed application process in order to provide the best and safest environment for your child. We conduct interviews and do background checks with all of our Student Ministry staffing. We always have at least two teachers in a classroom.

  • We have assembled a seasoned teaching staff who are diligent in teaching the Word of God to your children.

  • We plan and prepare our lessons, but we are always open to the Holy Spirit directing us in the moment.

  • We believe that every child deserves respect. We view each child as a young person who needs to be discipled and nurtured in order to grow in Christ.

  • We believe children can serve now! We ask our children to assist in practical hands-on ministry projects.

  • We are here to co-labor with you to train up your child. But the responsibility also lies with you as the parent. “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:7